Friday, November 20, 2009

How can I carry out good market research?

I am wanting to set up a small business selling stuff online although I want to make sure I get pricing/goods right.

Does anyone know any really good methods of market research which doesnt involve asking on the street.


How can I carry out good market research?
Contact your local Business Link for lots of free help and information on starting in business. They have guidance on various ways of doing market research and sometimes have advisors who specialise in internet business.

There's a lot of research that you can do on-line by looking at the sites of businesses that sell similar products.

Don't get too hung up on price. Even if people's first question is how much, they're usually more interested in the quality of the product or service you provide and whether it's really suitable for them. As long as you can satisfy those needs for them, price is a secondary consideration.

Good luck!
Reply:ummmmmmmmmmmmm ask if u can leave questionaires and surveys or leaflets in shops - im sure some will let you leave some at the till - the hairdressers is a good place to leave stuff for people to fill in.

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