Sunday, November 15, 2009

What impact of the research (advancement of scientific methods on view human origin) does it have today?

Since you posted this twice:

DNA allows us to track migrations based on haplogroups (basic genetic groupings of people) as well as tracking time via mutations that tend to happen at specific rates in some genes. Besides morphology we can recover DNA in more %26amp; more ancient Homo genes... Neandertal comes to mind. The current complete sequencing (1st draft) of the neandertal genome is slated for late 2008 or early 2009.

While DNA has provided many answers, it has raised many more questions. Mungo man of Australia, ~ 40,000 yrs BCE, appears to be a modern sapien, but his MtDNA tests as closer to Neandertal than to sapien... casting doubt on the mitochondrial Eve hypothesis %26amp; the time the 1st sapien left Africa.

The "Out of Africa" hypothesis is no longer as solid as it was 10 yrs ago but the "MultiRegional" hypothesis has been shaken too. Several introgressed or very recently mutated genes have been discovered among the non African populations of the World %26amp; many suspect they are from a more ancient line of Homo (either neandertal or erectus.)

See human gene introgression or MCPH1 in Chromosome 8.

In addition DNA has redrawn the migration map to the Americas since the discovery of Haplogroup B %26amp; Haplogroup X in the Amerinds (Haplogroup X being found in Western Europe %26amp; not in Asia %26amp; Haplogroup B being a Pacific Islander Haplogroup.)

New hypothesis on the appearance of haplogroup X in the Americas suggests they followed the Atlantic ice pack to North America, hunting marine animals. Some evidence exists to incicate the Clovis culture %26amp; tool making origionated in Spain %26amp; was brought to the Americas ~20,000 yrs ago by the Solutrean culture from Spain or Southern France. Look about 1/2 way down on this link.

What impact of the research (advancement of scientific methods on view human origin) does it have today?
It's made a lot of people lie through their teeth to deny that..

A, native Americans have a DNA type that can only be traced to Western Europe, with no sign of it in Asia.

B, there's DNA in our genome from other Homo types, as has been shown in a few studies.

You get the impression from the media that all scientists agree with the 'recent African origin'. It's not the case at all. That's a fragile theory at best, as it disagrees with the fossil record and some DNA findings.
Reply:We can better understand how human live by analyzing how we used to live and allows us to advance medically and technologically.

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