Monday, April 26, 2010

Qualitative and quantitative research?

What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods

Qualitative and quantitative research?
Quantitative research is, essentially, counting things. For example, the number of Yes answers vs. No answers.

Qualitative research is much more open ended. It involves responses asked to open-ended questions where participants lead the discussion. For example, "what did you like best about..."

Check out these wikipedia articles for more:


Reply:qualitative-description using words like blue

quantitative- description using numbers like 5ft tall
Reply:Qualitative methods record such things are size, color, and dimensions while quantitative methods record on amount and things of the such.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Nice blog! qualitative and quantitative research should be viewed as complementary. Qualitative research methods may be direct or indirect. Thanks for all your hard work and the info you give.

    Social Media Monitoring
