Saturday, April 17, 2010

What (environmentally friendly) methods are they for biological archiving and requesting?

Within my research group we would like to reduce our carbon footprint especially when it comes to requesting and sending biologicals and storing them.

I would like to know what (environmentally friendly) methods are they for biological archiving and requesting?

What (environmentally friendly) methods are they for biological archiving and requesting?
Go 'virtual' - store the DNA sequences, not the material, on DVD's and then turn the Computers off :-)

NB. Whilst you are p*ssing about with Polictially Correct timewasters such as 'Carbon Footprints' the Chinese are leaping ahead at 10x the speed and will soon end up 'owning' all advanced research (just like they currently own our Industrial base)

It might depend on what your specimen is.

There are different requirements for DNA, RNA, and proteins.

Which will your lab work with most?



false teeth

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