Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where can I be trained on Nielsen, IRI, Consumer Panel and other Syndicated Research data methods?

Many job postings have the following or similar requirements: "Experience/familiarity with Syndicated sales data (IRI, AC Nielsen/IMS). Strong knowledge of Research design and statistics." I've tried to locate college courses that I can take to learn this material, but I can't find any. Also, I can't be taught by nielsen and IRI themselves as you have to be a member of an organization that buys this training. I really want to learn this data and become qualified for these jobs - can anyone provide me with college courses (I'm in the Philadelphia metro area/NJ area) or online courses, or anything that can help me?

Where can I be trained on Nielsen, IRI, Consumer Panel and other Syndicated Research data methods?
Statistics classes would work, since Nielsen, IRI, Consumer Panel and other Syndicated Research data methods are based on standard staistical theory.

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